All great lash sets need a flawless base. Along side with our bubbles lash cleanser, This Primer removes any remaining dirt and oil or traces of Lash Shampoo from natural lashes. As well as having an enhancing agent to improve the adhesion of the glue primer which results in a longer retention period for the lash set.
Main Ingredients:
Aorylate, H2O, Surfaotant
How To Use:
1. Use a drop of glue primer to micropore brushes.
2. Apply glue primer to the lashes.
3. Attach the eyelashes after drying well
1. Do not use other purpose eyelash glue primer.
2. Be careful not to let the glue primer flow to the eye.
3. Wait till glue primer is completely dry, and then attach
the eyelash to start.
4. Keep in places out of reach of children
5. If the cause of symptoms such as itching, rashes and red spots, please discontinue use immediately.
6. Make sure to keep closing the cap after you have
used the product.
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